15+ Best Types of Roosters for Your Flock (with Pictures) 2023
Published: February 6, 2023

On the hunt for the best types of roosters for your flock? There are many different types of roosters in the world, and each has its unique set of qualities.
This article will list some of the best rooster breeds and their characteristics, so you know which rooster types are best for your flock.
Which type of rooster is right for you?
What is a rooster?

A rooster often referred to as a "cock" or "cockerel," is a male chicken that typically lives in large farms, barnyards, and other rural settings.
Roosters are distinguishable from their female counterparts – hens – by their larger size and strikingly brighter feather colorings.
Roosters also generally produce an emphasized “crowing” call. On average, a rooster will crow 15 times a day, beginning with a "cock-a-doodle-doo!" when they wake up and throughout the day to assert dominance. Roosters also serve an important function in protecting hens who lay eggs.
All in all, roosters play an important role in the farmyard!
What are the best types of roosters for your flock?
Here are the best types of roosters for your flock, along with their characteristics and photos so you can easily identify them.
Barred Plymouth Rock Rooster

Characteristics: Black and white pattern
Personality: Cold-resistant and docile
Barred Plymouth Rock Roosters were first identified in the United States in Massachusetts in the nineteenth century. They are known for being resistant to cold climates and are easy to manage.
Plymouth Rock Roosters have many good qualities, including producing tasty meat and the hens laying large brown eggs (they can easily lay up to 200 eggs yearly), making them an incredibly popular choice among farmers.
Rhode Island Red Rooster

Characteristics: Deep pink to almost black with a mostly black tail
Personality: Friendly and enjoy company, but can be aggressive
Rhode Island Red Roosters are an American breed from Rhode Island, New York. The Rhode Island Red Rooster is known for having rich-flavored meat and the hens laying 200-300 eggs annually.
Brahma Rooster

Characteristics: Light or dark colors, large, feathery legs
Personality: Friendly, docile, and calm; suitable for cold climates
The Brahma Rooster originates in the United States from birds imported from China. Brahma Roosters were originally imported for their meat, but the hens are good layers of eggs in the winter.
Silkie Rooster

Characteristics: Relatively small with fluffy white plumages and black skin
Personality: Calm and friendly temperament
Silkie Roosters come from Asia. They are much beloved for their fluffy satin-like plumage and are often exhibited in poultry shows. The hens don't lay many eggs compared to other breeds (only around three per week) but are very calm and friendly.
Their meat is black, making them undesirable in Europe and North America. However, certain countries in Asia, such as China, consider Silkie meat a gourmet food.
Polish Rooster

Characteristics: Large crest of feathers that nearly cover their head
Personality: Can be temperamental and easily frightened but are normally tame
Polish Roosters are a European breed believed to have originated from Poland, although the earliest accounts are from the Netherlands.
This breed was originally used for eggs, but similar to Silkies, they are now bred primarily as show birds.
Cochin Rooster

Characteristics: Large, feathery legs, yellow skin, come in a wide variety of colors
Personality: Calm, quiet, and friendly
Cochin Roosters come from large chickens with feathery legs that originated in China, were brought to Europe, and are now found in North America. Like the Silkie and Polish Roosters, Cochin Roosters are often exhibited in poultry shows.
Besides being used for exhibition, Cochin Roosters can be used for meat, known for being coarse and dark in texture. Young Cochin Roosters can be slaughtered between 12 to 16 months to provide a large table bird.
Java Rooster

Characteristics: Large, sturdy, heavy, and come in three colors (black, mottled, and white)
Personality: Docile and strong
The Java Rooster comes from the United States, despite the breed's name referring to the Indonesian island of Java. The breed was developed from chickens from Asia, and they are known for being large and sturdy.
Java Roosters are suitable for meat production, and the hens produce large brown eggs. This breed is a great option for farmers with smaller flocks that want a reliable dual-purpose chicken.
Barbu d'Uccle Rooster

Characteristics: Heavily feathered legs, come in twenty-eight different colors
Personality: Friendly and loves company
Barbu d'Uccle Roosters originate from Belgium, first bred in the Belgian town of Uccle.
They are rarely used for meat, and the hens lay a conservative 100 eggs over a year. They are known for having friendly personalities that are non-aggressive and love to be in the company of others.
Faverolles Rooster

Characteristics: Heavy, feathered feet, primarily dark with brown, black, and straw-colored feathers
Personality: Quiet, friendly, and incredibly adaptable to thriving in both confined spaces and free range
Faverolles Roosters come from Northern France near Faverolles and were bred in the 1860s.
The breed produces quality meat and eggs (the hens lay about four eggs per week) and is commonly used in exhibitions. This is primarily the case in the UK, where they developed Faverolles to have longer feathers.
Since they are so friendly and gentle, they get along best in flocks of other Faverolles and can be kept as a pet or in small home flocks.
Langshan Rooster

Characteristics: Large and come in black, white, and blue, although primarily black with a green sheen with a sharp-rising tail
Personality: Submissive and adaptable to confinement and free range
Langshan Roosters are believed to have originated in China and were introduced to North America in the late 1800s. The breed's hens lay between 140-150 dark brown eggs annually, displaying good sitting and mothering qualities.
Despite being adaptable to both confinement and free range, they thrive the most in sheltered conditions with dry soil instead of being exposed to the elements. Their meat has an excellent texture and is considered high-quality.
Australorp Rooster

Characteristics: Only black is recognized in America, but Australia recognizes black, white, and blue
Personality: Easygoing and friendly
The Australorp Roosters come from Australia. Their hens are famously known for producing 300 eggs annually, making this breed incredibly popular for egg-laying.
Welsummer Rooster

Characteristics: Golden brown
Personality: Friendly, calm, and intelligent
The Welsummer Rooster comes from the eastern regions of the Netherlands and was bred at the beginning of the twentieth century by a mix of different local chicken breeds. The hens lay 160 to 180 dark brown eggs every year.
Buff Orpington Rooster

Characteristics: They come in a variety of colors, but the most common is buff which is a light brown color with a curvy shape
Personality: Calm and friendly
Buff Orpington Roosters come from the southeastern regions of England. Their meat is tender, juicy, and flavorful, and the hens are great egg layers, but they are often used as show birds.
Sebright Rooster

Characteristics: Miniature with short backs and large breasts; they come in gold and silver colors with black edges on their feathers
Personality: Friendly, active, and social
Sebright Roosters is a British breed known for being miniature. They are an incredibly popular breed, often being exhibited in poultry shows.
These birds are difficult to breed due to their unique characteristics. They are best used exclusively as show birds as the hens lay small white eggs, and they are small in size.
Jersey Giant Rooster

Characteristics: Very large and comes in blue, black, and white colors
Personality: Calm, docile, and rarely aggressive
The Jersey Giant Rooster comes from New Jersey in the United States and is known for being among the largest and heaviest chicken breeds.
They have a poor feed-to-weight ratio and require a lot of food and water to reach their full size. However, they are good meat producers, and Jersey Giant hens produce between 150 to 200 eggs annually.
Sussex Rooster

Characteristics: They have long, broad, flat backs and come in eight different colors
Personality: Docile, confident, friendly, and easy to manage
Sussex Roosters come from the UK and are a dual-purpose breed. However, they have often been used for meat production and can be used as show birds. Most of the breed's hens lay between 180 to 200 eggs annually, with some laying up to 250 eggs.
Delaware Rooster

Characteristics: White with unique black tips
Personality: Hardy, mature, calm, and sometimes friendly
The Delaware Rooster (unsurprisingly) comes from Delaware in the United States. It is a critically endangered breed but is dual-purpose and used in poultry shows for its uniquely patterned plumage.
They are a medium-sized breed that only comes in white with black tips. They are very mature birds with hens that lay large eggs. They tend to thrive more in confined spaces as opposed to free range.
What is the most aggressive rooster?

Various chicken breeds that are known for being aggressive, among them the Malay rooster for its notoriety in cockfighting. They are renowned for their incredible strength and courage.
Despite their bold personality and physical prowess, Malay roosters can be friendly, protective, and loyal to their owner. However, they are said to respond better to aggression than other breeds, making them ideal candidates for the sport of cockfighting.
What breed of rooster is not aggressive?

Not all roosters display aggressive behavior; breeds such as Cochins, Plymouth Rocks, and Faverolles are all known for their gentle dispositions.
Faverolles, in particular, are medium-sized and have gentle and calm personalities. They make great pets and are known to form strong bonds with children!
Plymouth Rocks and Cochins offer a similar experience as pets, too - they're known to be sweet-tempered, docile birds that can co-exist harmoniously with other animals.
Not only are these breeds some of the least aggressive roosters out there-they make wonderful additions to any family!
What breed of rooster is most protective?

A rooster breed that takes protection seriously is the Leghorn – a breed originating in Tuscany, Italy! This bird is known to fiercely defend its flock and alert them at signs of danger.
Thanks to their energetic personalities, they make an excellent choice as a protector of poultry, and they have an intimidatingly loud crow. Additionally, their observant behavior will alert the farmer about any predators.
Now that you know a little more about the different types of roosters and the best breeds for your flock, it’s time to make a decision.
Remember the climate you live in, as well as the size and personality of the other chickens, when choosing which rooster is right for your farm. With so many options available, there’s sure to be a perfect fit for every chicken keeper out there.
Which rooster will you choose for your flock?
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