Ranching Trends: The Rise Of The Mini Cow
Published: February 11, 2022

We’ve all seen those ultra cute TikTok or Youtube videos of the calf-sized cow running around a yard, usually play-chasing. Don’t tell us that you haven’t, or that you didn’t ‘aww’ over it at least a little bit. (Your secret is safe with us!)
The mini cow is a rising star on homestead and hobby farms, with their numbers soaring in the past few decades though numbers remain low compared to average sized cattle. They also range in price depending on age and breed, with common breeds being less expensive than rarer on
What Are Mini-Cows?
Mini-cows are essentially what it says on the tin. Originating from normal cows, minis were bred over the years to grow to a far more compact size. Think of them sort of like the ponies of the cow world. These cattle typically range from thirty two to forty eight inches so they are only about a third the size of standard cattle. This means they take up far less acreage when it comes to housing and grazing though they’ll probably take up far more room in your heart.
Currently there are about twenty six breeds of mini cattle around the world and they come in as many different colors and markings as their full sized kin. Some breeds include Belted Galloways, which are also known as panda cows, Dexter minis, the master milk-producing Jerseys, beefy and docile Herefords, furry Scottish Highlands, and even miniature Longhorns!
Why Should I Pick Mini-Cattle For My Ranch?
First off, mini cows make surprisingly exceptional pets. Highly affectionate and extremely social, they are easy to raise around kids and families and are fairly easy to take care of as long as you have at least some land and maybe a bit of experience with raising livestock. Their small size means they are easy to work with and they tend to not require any unique or expensive handling equipment.
Minis are fairly inexpensive, but can be great tax write offs for someone with small acreage. They can help mow pastures, produce fertilizer, and have other agricultural uses. They are also a great business opportunity, with the sale of calves from well-bred minis often paying for the entire operation of their raising and breeding. Demand for mini-cows is rising, so hopping in on the trend now will pay off in the near future.
Finally, if you are looking for an alternative to having full grown milk or meat cows, minis make a great substitute. Milk-minis don’t need the same amount of grazing room but can still produce one to one and a half gallons per milking, which is usually enough for a small family. Meanwhile butchering a single mini can feed a family of four for about six months, often with choicer, juicier cuts of meat.
Whether you’ve hopped over from a Tiktok video or have been looking for new ways of expanding your small-acreage farm, mini cows might be just the way to go. Super adorable and far more manageable than a full sized cow, you can still get many of the same benefits from a mini with far less cost and maintenance. You’ll want to still do your research, however, as these wee creatures can still wreak havoc if you are not prepared to raise something that is still, in the end, a cow. It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is; you should still invest in a record-keeping system that’s cost-effective and easy to use. It’s always better to start using digital records at the right time to avoid any potential problems and difficulties that might arise in the future. For more agriculture articles visit our blog, or drop by our website and see how Ranchr can help with your record-keeping systems!
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